Wednesday, December 23, 2009


I really love snow. All the bad and good things about it. I am ready to live somewhere where it snows a lot. I like the cold a bunch, and am wondering how i was born in the entirely wrong part of the country. Or maybe if I was born somewhere cold I would love to live right where I am at the moment...hmmmm. Anyways to expand on my point, I want thisto happen to my car, and this
to happen to my street so I can walk around and play in it and to catch these
on my tongue, often. Don't get me wrong I enjoy warm sunny days, but not sweltering hot days. Thank you Jack Frost for gracing us with your presence once this year, it was lovely and joyful.
Your adoring fan,

P.S. I remembered a dream this morning, this never happens. yay.


  1. oh yes, days where all it takes is walking to the car to start sweating are not acceptable. fortunately we are getting away from a good part of the summer to a lovely place called new york :)
