Thursday, December 17, 2009

My Christmas List

I am eternally greatful for all I have. This year I don't see the need in more material things, of course there is a tad bit of want, but no severe yearning for anything. I love being content.
Anyway I do enjoy making lists, especially Christmas lists. So here it goes.

Dear Santa,
Here is what i fancy to have this next year:
  • A good in depth conversation about something important.
  • A change of perspective.
  • A new friend.
  • A really enormous fantastic hug, one that makes you forget what you were crinkling your nose about earlier.
  • A really good cry, that no one will ask about the next day when my eyes are puffy like a bull dog.
  • A memory of Makenzie I completely forgot about.
  • To dance a dance to my hearts content and do it well.
  • For my injuries to heal, some of the emotional and all of the physical.
  • An intense game of chess.
  • To wake up on the correct side of the bed for once.
  • A good long cuddle/snuggle.
To go on the material side of things, these are the things i crave:
  • A pair of gloves
  • Every word Brian Andreas has ever written
Your adoring fan,

1 comment:

  1. oh i do hope you share the brian andreas words
