Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Oldies but Goodies

I am beginning to be fond of the olden goldens of the world. My seastar Amanda read me The Gift of the Magi, it was about the cutest thing i have ever read, or in this case heard. My favorite quote in it twas
"For ten seconds let us regard with discreet scrutiny some inconsequential object in the other direction."
The writing in it is beautiful and moving. This repetition of the theme of beauty in the olden days goes for dancing and music and fashion and speaking also. Gene Kelly in American in Paris is all i have to say for dancing. Tchaikovsky for music and many others but he is at the forefront of my mind. Those beautiful yet restricting dresses of the romantic period and just the way people spoke. I listen to old clips and quotes from long ago and it sounds so regal and serene. I doubt i was born in the right period of time, but i believe i was placed here for a reason and so i shall stay content.
That is all,

1 comment:

  1. good posts my dear. glad to see your blogging more :)
