Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Sorry about the randomness of the posts. I have no excuse but that it's the holidays. By the way I love the holidays and all the things that go with it. We had a little bit of what I call Texas Snow, its the leaves from the Bald Cyprus trees in our backyard that come down in sheets and stick to our dogs.I made a "snowman" out of the leaves.Our lovely tall Christmas tree that makes the house smell like pine, mmmmm.
The tranquility of it all is the best part, everyone is in a good mood and all of your relatives are laughing and joking around you. This year's Christmas was really calm, the cleaning came and went with ease and so did the cooking. A few people were late and that gave us more time to cook. We went through the motions of eating and opening pretty boxes and bags wrapped with care. That went slower too, usually the presents whizz on past but this year we took the time to look at everyones presents. We ate a little more, then played pictionary (probably my favorite) and watched a movie. People left after Pictionary and it became quiet again. I like it better when it's peaceful. I don't know what changed to make it this way but I like it. It's still calm around here, although we should be bouncing off the walls with all the sugary foods lying around. Things we are doing over break:
  • Homework
  • Wii fit (soo fun)
  • Getting ready for our new Nosy Be Panther Chameleon, Sully
  • Watching movies, for some reason all the movies come out on Christmas
    Day such as Sherlock Holmes(Awesome) and Avatar (came out earlier but so awesome its ridiculous) and It's Complicated (haven't seen it yet)
  • Watching Ally Mcbeal, a lawyer show from a while ago with Calista Flockhart
  • Cleaning
  • Sleeping
Our family is enjoying it and I hope yours is too.
Love your adoring fan,

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