Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Little Letters

a~la Naomi.

Dear Me,
quit being in a bad mood, i don't like it.

Dear Christmas Decorations,
you make me very happy.

Dear Doorbell,
Why did you mysteriously ring 4 times and why was i too chicken to answer the door even though i walked around with a rubber mallet in my for the next hour.

Dear Nutcracker,
you are absolutely fantastic and i never want you to end.

Dear Music,
how do you have so many different kinds of awesome.

Dear feet and smile,
work a tad harder on stage.

Dear Dancers,
I love you dearly and there are too many of you to name.

Dear parents,
thanks for putting up with my agenda and me.

Dear Amanda,
you inspire me and even though you were just here 2 days ago, i am greedy and you should be home again.

Dear Juice,
you still quench my thirst quit well.

Dear school,
you are life consuming.

Dear Makenzie,
oh how i miss you so.


  1. 1. I dont like your bad moods either. Ms. Frazzle.
    2. I want to come home too! I will be there soooon though.
    3. Who was ringing the doorbell?

  2. i have no clue but they freaked me out
